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Can Someone Fully Recover From a TBI?

December 8, 2021 Posted In

Traumatic brain injury—or TBI—is a sudden injury causing damage to the brain. This may occur when there is a blow, bump, or jolt to the head. The most common causes of TBI are falls, motor vehicle accidents, and assaults. Rehabilitation is essential for recovery from a TBI. Rehab may include physical, occupational, and speech therapy,…

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Dixie Fire Victims Should Not Delay In Claiming Against PG&E

November 2, 2021 Posted In

A number of myths are causing victims to delay bringing a Dixie Fire claim against PG&E or, even worse, to think they don’t have a claim. Table of ContentsMyth No. 1: PG&E is BankruptMyth No. 2: Insurance will Cover My DamagesMyth No. No. 3 It’s Better to Wait to See if Cal Fire Determines the…

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Recovering Against PG&E for Dixie Fire Timber Losses

September 20, 2021 Posted In

The overwhelming majority of the nearly one million acres burned by the Dixie Fire so far has been forest land. To those from outside the area, a burned forest equates to no damages.  But to anyone who has spent any time the area, it’s clear that the trees lost to the Dixie Fire hold great…

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PG&E’s Responsibility for Destruction of Seasonal Cabins on the Chester Warner Valley Road

September 17, 2021 Posted In

What about the seasonal cabins that the Dixie Fire destroyed along the Chester Warner Valley Road north of Chester?  Or those in the surrounding forest and Lassen National Park? PG&E will be responsible for paying for the damages caused by the Dixie Fire.  After all, PG&E has all but admitted that it was their equipment…

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Could PG&E Have Prevented the Dixie Fire?

September 14, 2021 Posted In

“Your company is a convicted felon that poses a threat to the people of California.” That’s how U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup ended today’s hearing on whether PG&E has violated the conditions of their probation. PG&E is under criminal probation after a conviction for a 2010 explosion that killed eight people in San Bruno. …

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